Welcoming a new puppy into your home is an exciting and joyful experience. As you watch your furry friend grow and develop, one of the key milestones to keep an eye on is the transition from puppy to adult teeth. This process, known as teething, is a crucial phase in a puppy’s development that influences their overall health and well-being. This comprehensive guide explores the timeline of puppies getting their adult teeth, the signs of teething, and how to support your pup during this transformative period.

The Puppies Adult Teething Timeline

The process of a puppy acquiring their adult teeth is gradual, typically occurring in stages. Understanding this timeline can help you anticipate and manage the challenges associated with teething. 

Initial Teething Phase (3-4 weeks)

Puppies are born with milk teeth, also known as deciduous teeth, which begin to emerge at around 3 weeks of age. These baby teeth serve the pup well during the first few weeks of life, allowing them to nurse and explore their surroundings. 

Puppies Adult Teeth Eruption (3-6 months)

The teething process intensifies between 3 to 6 months of age. During this period, the deciduous teeth start to fall out, making room for the permanent adult teeth. It’s common for puppies to experience discomfort and exhibit teething-related behaviours during this phase.

Adult Teeth Development (6-7 months)

By 6 to 7 months, most puppies will have their full set of adult teeth. It includes incisors, canines, molars, and premolars. The transition from puppy to adult teeth is usually complete by the 7th month, though the exact timing may vary between breeds.

Signs of Puppies Adult Teething


Recognizing the signs that your puppy is teething is crucial for providing appropriate care and support. Keep an eye out for the following behaviours and symptoms:

Excessive Drooling

Teething puppies often drool more than usual. It is a natural response to increased saliva production during teething.

Chewing and Gnawing

Puppies may instinctively chew and gnaw to relieve the discomfort associated with teething. Appropriate chew toys can help soothe their gums and prevent destructive chewing behaviour.

Swollen or Red Gums

Check your puppy’s gums regularly for signs of inflammation or redness. Swollen gums are common during the teething phase and may cause mild discomfort.

Loss of Appetite

Some puppies may experience a temporary loss of appetite during teething. If this persists or is severe, consult your veterinarian to rule out any underlying issues.

Behavioural Changes

Teething can make puppies irritable or more prone to behavioural changes. Be patient and understanding during this time, and provide them with extra comfort and attention.

Caring for Teething Puppies

Supporting your puppy during the teething process involves a combination of proper dental care, suitable chew toys, and attention to their overall well-being.

Chew Toys

Offer a variety of safe and durable chew toys to help your puppy relieve the discomfort associated with teething. Rubber toys, dental chews, and frozen toys can relieve their gums.

Cold Compresses

Applying a cold compress to your puppy’s gums can help reduce inflammation and numb the area, providing relief. Ensure the compress is wrapped in a cloth to prevent direct contact with their gums.

Dental Care

Introduce gentle dental care practices early on, such as brushing your puppy’s teeth with a dog-friendly toothbrush and toothpaste. It helps maintain oral hygiene and gets them accustomed to the routine.


Ensure your puppy’s diet supports their overall health, including dental health. High-quality puppies food provides essential nutrients for proper development, including the formation of strong and healthy teeth.

Regular Vet Check-ups

Schedule regular veterinary check-ups to monitor your puppy’s teething progress and address any concerns promptly. Your veterinarian can offer guidance on dental care, nutrition, and any specific needs your puppy may have.


Understanding when puppies get their adult teeth is a key aspect of responsible pet ownership. The teething process is a natural and essential phase in a puppy’s development, shaping their overall health and well-being. Recognizing the signs of teething and providing appropriate care can ensure a smoother transition for your furry friend into adulthood. You’ll be well-equipped to navigate this exciting stage in your puppy’s journey with proper attention, dental care, and a little extra TLC.


Do All Breeds Follow the Same Teething Timeline?

While there is a general timeline for teething, the exact timing can vary between breeds. Smaller breeds may mature faster, completing the teething process earlier than larger breeds.

Is Bleeding Normal During Teething?

 Some slight bleeding may occur as puppy teeth fall out and adult teeth emerge. However, excessive bleeding or persistent bleeding should be promptly addressed with your veterinarian.

When Should I Introduce Dental Care?

Start dental care practices, such as tooth brushing, as early as possible to establish a routine. It helps your puppy become comfortable with the process and promotes good oral hygiene.

Can I Give My Puppy Human Teething Gel or Medications?

It’s crucial to consult your veterinarian before giving your puppy any human medications or teething gels. Some substances may harm dogs, and your vet can recommend safe alternatives.

How Long Does Teething Discomfort Last?

The discomfort associated with teething is temporary and typically subsides once the adult teeth fully emerge. However, individual variations exist; some puppies may experience more prolonged discomfort than others.