Feeding your puppy is crucial to caring for your new furry family member. Puppies are growing and developing rapidly, requiring proper nutrition to support their growth and keep them healthy. As a responsible pet owner, you may wonder how long your puppy can go without food, even more so if you are dealing with a picky eater or a busy schedule. This essay will examine the elements that affect how long puppies can go without food, general guidelines for feeding puppies, and what to do if your puppy is not eating. By the end of this article, you’ll better understand how to provide your puppy with the best possible nutrition and care.

Factors That Affect How Long Puppies Can Go Without Food

Several factors can affect how long puppies can go without food, including age, size and breed, health conditions, and activity level.


Puppies have different nutritional requirements depending on their age. Younger puppies, between six and eight weeks old, need to be fed every three to four hours as they are still developing and growing rapidly. Their feeding frequency decreases as they age, and they can go longer without food. However, it’s essential to continue providing them with adequate nutrition and not skip meals.

Size and breed

Your puppy’s size and breed can also influence how long it can go without food. Smaller breeds have higher metabolic rates and require more frequent feeding, while larger breeds can go longer without food. However, regardless of size, all puppies need a healthy, balanced diet to aid their development.

Health conditions

Underlying health conditions can also affect how long puppies can go without food. Puppies with illnesses or chronic conditions may have different dietary requirements and need more frequent feedings or specialized diets.

Activity level

Puppies with higher activity levels may burn more calories and need more frequent feeding to maintain their energy levels. Puppies that are less active or passive may be able to go longer without food, but it’s still important to ensure they receive adequate nutrition to support their health.

Understanding these factors can help you determine how often and how much to feed your puppy to keep them healthy and nourished.

General Guidelines For Feeding Puppies

To ensure your puppy gets the proper nutrition, it’s important to follow general guidelines for feeding puppies, including:

Frequency of meals: Puppies under six months old need to be fed more frequently, usually three to four times daily, to support their rapid growth and development. As they age, you can gradually reduce the number of feedings to two times a day.

Types of food: Puppies need a balanced diet that includes protein, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. You can feed them commercial dog food or home-cooked meals that meet their nutritional needs. It’s crucial to avoid feeding them human food, which can be harmful and may not provide the right balance of nutrients.

Water intake: Puppies always need access to clean and fresh water. Ensure you provide a clean water bowl and refill it regularly throughout the day.

Following these guidelines ensures your puppy gets the nutrition they need to support its growth and development. It’s also essential to monitor their weight regularly and adjust their feeding schedule or portions if necessary.

How Long Can A Puppy Go Without Food?

Puppies should be able to go up to 12 hours without food; they need a consistent supply of nutrients to support their growth and development. However, the specific amount of time a puppy can go without food depends on age, size, size, and health status.

Younger puppies (under eight weeks old) have smaller stomachs and higher metabolic rates, and they need to be fed more frequently, usually every three to four hours. Older puppies (between three and six months old) can go for longer periods without food, but they should still be fed at least two to three times a day.

If your dog has not consumed food or liquids for more than 12 hours, it may become dehydrated or malnourished, and it’s crucial to seek veterinary care immediately. Signs of dehydration and starvation in puppies include lethargy, dry gums, sunken eyes, and lack of energy.

In summary, while puppies can go for short periods without food, it’s essential to ensure they receive consistent and adequate nutrition to support their growth and development. If you notice any changes in your puppy’s appetite or behavior, consult your veterinarian to ensure they receive proper care.

How Much Time Can A Puppy Go Without Drinking?

Water is essential for all living beings, including puppies, as it helps regulate their body temperature, aids digestion, and removes waste from their bodies. A puppy should not go without water for more than 24 hours, as dehydration can cause serious health problems, including organ failure and death. However, the specific amount of time a puppy does not require water varies on some variables, including age, size, and amount of activity.

Younger puppies have higher water requirements and should always have access to clean and fresh water. If you are crate-training your puppy, provide them with a water bowl inside their crate. Older puppies may be able to go longer without water, but they still need access to water regularly throughout the day.

If your puppy is not drinking water or showing signs of dehydration, including dry gums, sunken eyes, lethargy, or lack of energy, it’s crucial to seek veterinary care immediately. Your vet can ascertain the origin of your puppy’s dehydration and provide appropriate treatment, including rehydration therapy.

In summary, puppies should always have access to fresh water and only go for up to 24 hours without water. Ask for help if you have any symptoms of dehydration. Veterinary care immediately to prevent further complications.

What To Do If Your Puppy Is Not Eating

If your puppy is not eating, there are many steps you can take to encourage them to eat and ensure they receive proper nutrition:

Possible reasons for loss of appetite: First, determine your puppy’s lack of appetite. Some common reasons may include a change in their routine, stress, anxiety, illness, or dental problems. If you suspect an underlying health issue, consult your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Steps to take to encourage eating: If your puppy is not eating due to a change in their routine or stress, try to create a calm and comfortable environment for them to eat in. Offer them a variety of foods, including wet and dry food, to see if they have a preference. You can also try warming up their food or adding some low-sodium broth to make it more delicious.

When to see a veterinarian: If your puppy has not eaten or drunk for over 12 hours, it’s crucial to seek veterinary care immediately. Your veterinarian can perform a physical examination and testing to determine the cause of your puppy’s loss of appetite and provide proper treatment.

In summary, if your puppy is not eating, it’s essential to determine the cause, encourage it to eat, and ensure it receives proper nutrition. If you have any symptoms of lethargy, dehydration, or lack of energy, seek veterinary care immediately to prevent further complications.


Your puppy’s health must consume balanced and nutritious food. Growth and development. Puppies have different nutritional requirements depending on age, size, breed, health status, and activity level. Younger puppies must be fed more frequently, while older puppies can go for longer periods without food. Monitoring your puppy’s weight regularly and adjusting its feeding schedule or portions as necessary is important.

If your dog isn’t consuming food or liquids, it’s crucial to determine the reason for its lack of appetite and take steps to encourage it to eat and drink. If your dog has been consuming food or liquids for more than 12 hours or shows signs of dehydration, lethargy, or lack of energy, seek veterinary care immediately.

Following these guidelines and monitoring your puppy’s nutrition and health can help them grow into healthy, happy adult dogs.




What Happens If A Puppy Doesn’t Eat For 3 Days?

Dogs cannot survive without food and water. They can, however, last up to five days without meals if they are generally healthy as long as they drink. Dogs can go much longer without food, but there’s a significant chance they could die or suffer permanent harm to their tissues and organs.

How Long Can Puppies Go Without Eating?

five days

How much time does a healthy dog have between meals? Most healthy dogs can survive up to five days without eating, but only if they get enough water. Some can even go up to seven days without; however, you should only allow your dog to visit the veterinarian if necessary.

What If My Puppy Hasn’t Eaten In 2 Days?

If your dog isn’t eating but seems fine, encourage them to eat. Contact your vet for advice if they still need to eat after a day. Dogs can stop eating their food for many reasons but if their appetite doesn’t return then you and your vet need to find out why

How Do I Get My 2 Day Old Puppy To Eat?

Combine a tiny quantity of puppy chow soaked in water with a milk replacer to make gruel; transfer the mixture to a flat saucer. Until the puppies start to lap, which normally takes one to three days, their noses should be gently dipped into the liquid twice or thrice daily.

What To Do If My Dog Hasn’t Eaten In 3 Days?

If your dog still needs to eat after a day, consult your veterinarian. Dogs can stop eating for various reasons, so you and your veterinarian must determine the cause if your dog’s appetite doesn’t return.