It’s an incredible, joyous, and exciting event to bring a puppy into your house. But it also entails a great deal of responsibility. Puppies need special nursing, attention, and direction as they grow, much like human newborns do. Establishing a regimented care schedule early on is crucial to ensuring the success of your new furry pet. We’ll lead you through weekly puppy care in this extensive guide, which covers everything from basic needs to crucial training advice.

Week 1: Settling In

During the first week of its new life, your puppy needs time to become used to its surroundings and feel safe. If you intend to utilize a crate for training, begin by preparing a special space with a comfortable bed, food and water dishes, toys, and other necessities. Allow your puppy to explore its new environment at its speed as you gradually introduce it to it.

With your puppy, put your attention on developing trust and a strong relationship via tender care, affection, and constructive criticism. To ensure your dog feels comfortable in its new surroundings, keep interactions lighthearted and encouraging. To create structure and regularity, start setting a meal, toilet break, and playtime schedule. Puppy care guidance is important for the puppy’s weekly care.

Week 2: Establishing a Routine

When it comes to caring for puppies, consistency is essential. Establish a daily schedule for feeding, toilet breaks, exercise, and training sessions during the second week. To assist your puppy’s digestive tract stay in check, set up mealtimes, and abide by them.

Using positive reinforcement strategies like praise and treats, introduce fundamental obedience training activities like sit, stay, and come. Initiate crate training to ensure your puppy feels safe and content when left alone. To protect everyone’s safety and to head off any possible confrontations, supervise all interactions with other pets and family members.

Week 3: Socialization


For pups to grow up to be confident, well-adjusted adult canines, socialization is essential. In the third week, start exposing your puppy to new people, animals, places, sounds, and experiences. Visit pet-friendly parks, go on little walks around the neighborhood, and have friends and family over to spend time with your puppy.

Keep a careful eye on your puppy’s behavior and offer comfort and support as required. To reward good behavior and discourage bad behavior, like as excessive barking or leaping, use positive reinforcement. Proceed with the obedience training activities and progressively lengthen and complicate the orders. Puppy care guidance is important for the puppy’s weekly care.

Week 4: Health and Wellness

Make sure your puppy’s health and well-being are top priority during the fourth week by making an appointment for a thorough examination and immunizations at the vet. Consult your veterinarian about the best immunization schedule, deworming procedures, and ways to keep your pet free of fleas and ticks.

Establish a regular brushing schedule for your puppy, including nail and ear cleanings and cleanings. Keep a close eye on your puppy’s growth and development, and make any necessary dietary adjustments to make sure it gets the right nourishment for its breed and age.

Week 5: Basic Training

Your puppy should be getting more receptive to training and settling into a pattern by the fifth week. As you continue to practice fundamental obedience commands like sit, stay, and come, progressively add more difficult drills like heel and down.

Consistently use positive reinforcement strategies to reward good actions and discourage undesirable ones. Include many training sessions in your puppy’s daily routine to keep their mind active and interested. Celebrate each little accomplishment along the road and exercise patience and consistency. Puppy care guidance is important for the puppy’s weekly care.

Week 6: Mental Stimulation

Due to their insatiable energy and curiosity, puppies require a lot of mental stimulation to avoid boredom and negative behavior. To keep your puppy interested and occupied, introduce puzzle toys, interactive games, and enrichment activities.

Introduce your puppy to new sights, sounds, and sensations by taking it on excursions like dog-friendly trips or hiking trails. To keep toys engaging, rotate them frequently, and provide a range of textures and shapes to appeal to your puppy’s senses.

Week 7: Advanced Training


It’s important to start your puppy on increasingly difficult training tasks as it gets older and bigger to help it develop its cognitive abilities and improve its obedience. Put your attention into honing previously acquired commands and adding fresh ones, such as recall, dropping it, and leaving it.

To assist your puppy in generalizing its skills, practice training activities in a variety of settings and situations. Increase the time and degree of difficulty of training sessions gradually, making sure they always conclude positively. To keep your puppy motivated and excited, keep training sessions enjoyable and interesting.

Week 8: Gradual Independence

Your puppy should be well on its way to developing into a confident and well-rounded friend by the eighth week. Gradually increase the amount of time your puppy spends by itself in its crate or other designated location to foster progressive independence. Puppy care guidance is important for the puppy’s weekly care.

To combat separation anxiety, give your puppy lots of toys and activities to keep them occupied during their alone time. Additionally, try not to cause a fuss when leaving or coming home. Maintain a regular schedule and use positive reinforcement to reward excellent behavior to make your puppy feel safe and secure.


Although raising a puppy is a labor of love and patience, the benefits are priceless. You may offer your new puppy the foundation it needs to develop into a happy, healthy, and well-mannered adult dog according to our week-by-week puppy care guide. Always remember to savor the unique link you have with your puppy and to appreciate every minute of the adventure.

What should I expect during the first week of bringing a puppy home?

It’s normal for your puppies to feel anxious and overwhelmed in their new surroundings during the first week. Make sure you furnish a bed, food, water dishes, and toys in a cozy and welcoming environment for it. Create a schedule for feeding, toilet breaks, and playtime and gradually introduce it to new areas of your house.

What vaccinations does my puppy need, and when should I schedule them?

A series of immunizations will be required for your puppy to guard against common illnesses. To develop a vaccine program that is customized to your puppy’s requirements, speak with your veterinarian. Vaccinations usually begin between 6 and 8 weeks of age and continue regularly until your puppy is fully protected.

How do I handle teething and chewing behavior?

Although it might be difficult for the puppy and its owner, teething is a normal procedure for pups. Give your dog the right chew toys to sate its appetite and ease its pain. Keep a watchful eye on playtime and divert any chewing activity away from anything around the house.

When should I start grooming my puppy, and how often?

To acclimate your puppy to the practice, begin grooming it at a young age. Its claws should be trimmed as needed to prevent overgrowth, and it should have frequent brushings to remove excess fur and avoid matting, as well as regular dental and ear cleanings, to maintain good hygiene. The breed and kind of coat on your dog determines how often they need to be groomed.