Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies as they are generally known, are a popular toy breed of dog that is known for their small size and affectionate personalities. As a pet parent, it’s important to understand how long Yorkie puppies grow and what factors can influence their growth.

 In this article, we will explore the growth process of Yorkie puppies, discuss the factors that can affect their growth, and provide tips for ensuring their optimal growth and development.

Overview of The Yorkie Breed

Yorkshire Terriers, or Yorkies for short, are a small breed of dog that originated in England in the 19th century. They were initially bred as working dogs to catch rats in textile mills, but they soon became popular companion pets due to their small size, affectionate nature, and adorable appearance.

Yorkies typically weigh between 4 and 7 pounds and stand about 8-9 inches tall at the shoulder. They have long, silky coats in shades of blue and tan, black and tan, and gold and tan. Yorkies are known for their perky ears, tails, and confident and playful personalities. 

They make great apartment dogs and are ideal for families with children or seniors who want a small, low-maintenance pet. Despite their small size, Yorkies have a lot of energy and require regular exercise and playtime to stay healthy and happy.

Yorkie Puppy’s Growth Stages

Yorkie puppies go through several stages of growth as they mature into adult dogs. Here are the different growth stages of Yorkie puppies:

  •  During this stage, they rely on their mother for warmth, food, and protection.
  • Transitional stage (2-4 weeks): Yorkie puppies open their eyes and ears and become more aware of their surroundings. They begin to explore their environment and develop their sense of smell.
  • Socialization stage (4-12 weeks): Yorkie puppies become more social and playful. They start to interact with their littermates and learn important social skills. This stage is critical for introducing them to new people, places, and experiences.
  • Juvenile stage (3-6 months): Yorkie puppies begin to misplace their baby teeth and grow their adult teeth during this stage. They also start to develop their adult coat and begin to lose their puppy fuzz.
  • Adolescent stage (6-18 months): Yorkie puppies continue to grow and develop during this stage but at a slower rate than before. They may experience a growth spurt around 9-10 months but will gradually reach their adult size and weight by around 12-18 months.

It’s important to note that every Yorkie puppy is unique and may develop at a slightly different pace. Nutrition, exercise, and medical care can also influence a puppy’s growth rate.

Factors That Influence Yorkie Puppy Growth

Several factors can influence the growth and development of Yorkie puppies. The following points should be remembered:

Genetics: Genetics plays a significant role in a puppy’s growth rate and size. Yorkies from parents with a smaller stature are likely to be smaller themselves, while those with larger parents may grow larger.

Nutrition: A balanced diet is crucial for optimal growth and development. Yorkie puppies require a diet high in protein, fat, vitamins and minerals to support their growing bodies. Feeding them high-quality puppy food specifically formulated for small breeds can help ensure they get the right nutrients in the right amounts.

Exercise: Regular exercise is important for a Yorkie puppy’s overall health and growth. Exercise helps to build muscle and promote bone development, which is important for achieving adult size and weight. However, over-exercising a young puppy can be harmful, so it’s important to provide age-appropriate activities and avoid excessive physical activity.

Health and medical care: Regular veterinary check-ups and medical care can help ensure a Yorkie puppy is healthy and properly developing. Puppies that experience health issues or medical conditions may have stunted growth or slower development, so it’s important to address any health concerns promptly.

Environment: The environment in which a Yorkie puppy is raised can also affect its growth and development. Providing a safe and stimulating environment, free from stress and trauma, can help a puppy reach its full potential.

Pet parents can help ensure their Yorkie puppies grow into healthy, happy adult dogs by paying attention to these factors and providing appropriate care.

When Do Yorkies  Stop Growing?

Yorkie puppies typically stop growing between 8 and 12 months of age. By this time, they have reached full height, and their bones have stopped growing. However, they may continue to gain weight and fill out for several months after they reach their full height.

It’s important to note that every dog is unique and may have slightly different growth patterns. Genetics, nutrition, and exercise can also affect a Yorkie puppy’s growth and development. Pet parents should also remember that Yorkies are small and may be more susceptible to health issues as they age. 

Regular veterinary check-ups and obstructive care can help ensure your Yorkie stays healthy and happy.

What to Expect As a Yorkie Puppy Owner?

As a Yorkie puppy owner, you can expect to experience the joys and challenges of raising a young dog. The following points should be remembered:

Potty training: Yorkie puppies must be trained to go outside or on designated potty pads. Consistency, patience, and positive reinforcement are key to successful potty training.

Teething: Yorkie puppies go through a teething phase as they lose their baby teeth and grow their adult teeth. Providing chew toys and bones can help ease the discomfort of teething and prevent destructive chewing.

Training and socialization: Training and socialization are vital for a Yorkie puppy’s development. Positive reinforcement training and exposure to new people, places, and experiences can help your puppy become a well-behaved and confident adult dog.

Grooming: Yorkie puppies require regular grooming to maintain long, silky coats. This includes brushing, bathing, and trimming. Professional grooming may also be necessary depending on the length and style of their coat.

Health care: Regular veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, and preventative care are important for keeping your Yorkie puppy healthy. As they age, they may also require dental care, flea and tick prevention, and other health treatments.

Energy level: Yorkie puppies are known for their high energy levels and playful personalities. They require daily exercise and playtime to keep them happy and healthy.

A Yorkie puppy can be a rewarding experience, but it requires commitment and responsibility. You can help your Yorkie puppy grow into a happy and healthy adult dog by providing proper care, training, and socialization.


Yorkie puppies are a delightful and popular breed requiring proper care, nutrition, and attention to grow into healthy, happy adult dogs. Pet owners need to know the different growth stages and factors influencing a Yorkie puppy’s growth, such as genetics, nutrition, and exercise.

By providing your Yorkie puppy with regular veterinary check-ups, training, socialization, grooming, and plenty of love and attention, you can help them reach their full potential as well-behaved and happy adult dogs. Your Yorkie puppy can be a lifelong companion and source of joy and happiness for many years with proper care and attention.




When Are Yorkies Done Growing?

Most Yorkies reach their full-grown size around 12 months and beyond. However, some puppies may continue to develop muscle tone and fill out until they are 18 to 24 months old.

The Yorkshire Terrier’s overall body length is roughly 12”-15.5” (30-39 cm), its standing height is 10.5”-13” (27-33 cm), and its typical lifespan is 11-15 years.

At What Age Is A Yorkie Old?

Each breed reaches this stage at a different pace. That said, most toy breeds, the Yorkshire Terrier included, are deemed seniors by age 8 to 10, marking a significant phase in their lives.

When Do Yorkies Stop Growing In Size?

Yes. Many Yorkies tend to live to be 16 years old then stop growing and I’ve heard of some living to be 20. It all depends on their genetic health, diet, and overall quality of life.

What Is The Main Cause Of Death Of Yorkies?

Heart failure is a common cause of mortality in aging Yorkshire Terriers. In dogs, heart disease often stems from the weakening or deformation of heart valves, leading to inadequate closure. Consequently, blood leaks around these compromised valves, placing strain on the heart.